
1 min readDec 11, 2020


Maybe if we meet again
When we meet again
We would both mature
You would know better
Than to smoke life away
And I would understand
This phase of your life
Better when you’re not in it

I still understand
That you need to kill time
Just to get by
And that it’s not easy
It’s not easy for me either
Even though you may
Or may not know it
Because we haven’t really talked about it

It’s not easy to accept that
Life comes to a stage
Where you need to take responsibility
Not just of your food and health
But of your life
Of the will to live,
Of the will to move forward
Every day

And bear the burden of knowing
That if you don’t move forward
You’re falling behind

It’s not easy to find a purpose
In living alone
But you find your haven
In the smoke-filled room
Of people who aren’t quite sure
Why they’re alive yet

And I find my haven
In my solitude
In people I can still rely on

Maybe when we meet again
You would own a house
Like the one you said you wanted
And you would know your purpose

Maybe then
We could come together for tea
Rather than Jagërbomb
And maybe we could build on this bond
That’s fading away

